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Where it begins

Humanity is bound together by the experiences that make us fundamentally the same:


birth, death, love, loss, joy, sorrow, friendship, loneliness, contentment, frustration,

gratitude, fear, anger, generosity, jealousy, pride, shame.


All of those exist in every one’s life and

they are the experiences about being alive.


Between the possibilities of enlightenment and the vulnerability,

we traverse a wide range of experiences.

Inevitably, we face challenges.


In Buddhism, difficulties and suffering are considered as natural parts of life.


The practice lies in becoming comfortable with discomfort.

It's about cultivating an inner resilience, fostering greater peace and strength.

The truth is, there is only constant flow

This flow is unceasing, permeating everything.

The core idea is that everything changes every instant, revealing the emptiness of all things.


Yet, everything is empty not because of an inherent void,

but due to the relentless change and transformation.

Therefore, there is nothing to worry about, nothing to bear, and nothing to cling to.


By embracing this state of emptiness,

you open yourself up to a sense of freedom and emancipation.


To awaken, your mind should be calm and expansive. The practice revolves around concentrating on the present moment.


By quieting your thoughts and centering your mind, you can achieve a focused state by directing your attention to a chosen point of focus, such as your breath.


The goal is to anchor the mind, promptly bringing it back whenever

it strays, to experience a sense of inner stability and peace. 



It's about observing oneself without judgment and with detachment, examining experiences, thoughts, and feelings long enough to truly comprehend them.


Such profound introspection calls for a multi-dimensional perspective, allowing us to view situations from various angles and see the bigger, holistic picture in its entirety.


Only with this clarity can we perceive things as they truly are, without distortion. This clarity liberates us and provides insight into who we really are and what our lives mean

to us.

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The Resilient Soul

We must realize not only our limitations but also our inherent strength.

Between the confines of our perceptions of life and the realities of challenges,

there always lies potential for liberation.

We are the masters of our lives, capable of rising above difficulties.


Be brave in embracing the truth within you

as you navigate the journey of life.

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